Sinai Bedouins protest hiked security raids

Abdel-Rahman Hussein
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Bedouins in Sinai attempted in vain to protest Saturday against increased security raids in the wake of the Hezbollah cell case.

Security forces managed to scupper the protest but the assembled Bedouins who gathered near Al-Oja in an area called Abu Hashad decided that another protest would be held on June 1.

The protest had been announced on Friday against the increased raids by security forces on Bedouin houses since the exposure of the capture of the Hezbollah cell. They were also called to draw attention to the continued incarceration of two Bedouins who had police officers hostage after the killing of four Bedouins who were left half-buried in the desert.

“Because of the Hezbollah case, there has been an increased security campaign and raids on houses, said Democratic Front Party member in Rafah Mohamed El Menei. “The protest is because of the raids. There are women in these houses and security raids on these homes violate our traditions.

Security forces have stated that they are searching for some 25 people in Sinai who they believe are involved with the alleged Hezbollah terror cell that was exposed and captured in Egypt. Since the cell’s existence was announced, raids have intensified in Sinai as the search for the remaining suspects continues.

This increase in the number of raids has given the Bedouins further reason to protest. Bedouins have always complained of being mistreated by authorities in the region, which includes continued and repeated incarceration as well as issues over land ownership.

Though it was decided that there would be another protest on the first of June, it would be subject to the recurrence of security raids, according to El Menei.

“The June protest has not been officially announced, he said, “it depends on whether the raids continue or not. Then the decision will be made.

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