Nadeem Center calls for an end to domestic violence against women

Safaa Abdoun
3 Min Read

CAIRO: The Nadeem Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence has started a campaign calling for a law that criminalizes domestic violence against women, coinciding with a study released by the center last week.

The sample included 1,262 women ranging between 10 to 83 years old, with an average age of 32.7. The study revealed that 79 percent of Egyptian women experience domestic violence; 55 percent from their husbands, 20 percent from their fathers and 12 percent from their brothers.

“It’s a shame to see no improvement in this issue despite the fact that there has been an increase in the number of campaigns and non-governmental organizations working on it, said Amany Mahmoud, general coordinator of the campaign.

“The issue is not a taboo anymore and people discuss it openly everywhere, so it’s surprising not to see any developments, she added.

Since 2005, the center has been working on a draft law which grants women the right of protection by the state in cases of domestic violence.

“We held a number of discussion panels and workshops on the issue . we have also discussed it with people in different fields, including doctors, lawyers, students and journalists before we came up with the final draft to present to the People’s Assembly, said Mahmoud.

In March 16, 2008 to mark Egyptian Women’s Day, members of the Nadeem Center along with a delegation of MPs presented a copy of the draft law to Parliament Speaker Fathi Sorour, but a year later, they have yet to receive any response. The issue was not even open for discussion at the PA.

The proposed law encompasses four main areas: criminalizing domestic violence; suggesting penalties; outlining protection procedures to be followed by victims of domestic violence, including the provision of shelters; protecting those who report incidents of violence.

The Nadeem Center campaign also urges filmmakers and the media to produce that raises awareness of the issue.

“Until we get a response from the PA we will continue our awareness campaign and the center’s door is open with its counseling services, to receive victims of domestic violence, said Mahmoud.

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