Abbas in Cairo for talks with Mubarak

Daily News Egypt
1 Min Read

CAIRO: Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas arrived in Cairo on Friday on a two-day visit for talks with Egypt s President Hosni Mubarak, the official MENA news agency reported.

Abbas is scheduled to brief Mubarak on the outcome of his talks with US President Barack Obama and the proposals for activating the roadmap to peace in the Middle East, MENA said.

Abbas arrived from Washington where he said he shared ideas with Obama based on the roadmap and the 2002 Saudi peace plan backed by the 22-member Arab League.

Abbas told AFP in Washington that the document he presented to Obama contains ideas to introduce implementation mechanisms for these two plans.

The US-backed roadmap calls for a halt to Jewish settlement activity in Palestinian territories and an end to Palestinian attacks against Israel but has made little progress since it was drafted in 2003.

Obama has called for a halt to settlement building on the Israeli-occupied West Bank, and vowed an aggressive mediation effort, ahead of his visit to Saudi Arabia and Egypt next week.

Mubarak cancelled a trip to the United States that was scheduled for May 26 after the death of his eldest grandson last week.

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