Al-Gabbas explains Masri departure

Omar AbdelAziz
1 Min Read

CAIRO: Mohamed Al-Gabbas claims that Masri board s indifference forced his decision to leave the club for Lierse.

The 21-year-old striker made use of a loophole in his contract to depart the Port-Saied club and join the Egyptian exodus to Lierse.

However, Al-Gabbas does not regret his decision, as he hold the Masri board responsible for losing him.

The Masri board forced me to leave. Since the end of last season they hadn’t shown any willingness to improve my contract, he told

I was under an amateur contract.

Ahly and Zamalek approached me and the Masri board rejected the offers, then they didn’t offer me a contract, so I had to leave.

Al-Gabbas excelled for Masri last season, scoring nine goals in the league for the mid-table side.

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