Apple Cake Recipe

Daily News Egypt
1 Min Read


2 cups flour1 1/3 cup sugar100gm butter (room temperature)1/2 cup corn oil5 eggs3 teaspoons baking powder (BP) (1 1/4 packet)1 teaspoon vanillaJuice of 1 lemon3 teaspoons cinnamon powderPinch grated nutmeg5 medium Egyptian apples (peeled and chopped into cubes) 12 cubes each.Preheat oven to 260 degrees C


1.Sift flour into bowl 2. Add sugar, butter, oil, eggs, BP, vanilla. Mix well for 2-3 minutes till ingredients are homogeneous and dough is soft. 3. Add cinnamon and nutmeg. Add apples with lemon juice and mix softly with large spoon. 4. Lightly butter sides and base of size 26 pan then sprinkle flour or use waxed paper on base. Pour dough into pan to reach about half the depth of the pan. 5. Place in oven for about 45 minutes. Check it is done by inserting a sharp knife that should come out without a trace. Take out of oven. Leave for 2 minutes then turn on an aired base. 6. Remove waxed paper and leave to cool away from air currents. It Can be served warm with vanilla ice cream for a tasty treat.

Wedad Mostafa

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