Palestinian woman seeking treatment refused entry to Gaza

Abdel-Rahman Hussein
2 Min Read

CAIRO: A Palestinian woman in need of medical attention is being prevented from returning to Gaza at the Rafah border crossing, members of the International Movement to Open the Rafah Border (IMORB) told Daily News Egypt Friday.

The Palestinian woman, accompanied by her son and grandson initially came from Gaza to seek medical treatment for a kidney condition. She is now, along with her family, being prevented from returning to the Gaza strip.

“She was told she needed to be treated in France, but Palestinians are not allowed to go to France except through Israel, said Paki Weiland from IMORB, “She needs to go to Gaza for immediate treatment because she hasn’t been able to get adequate medical care in Al-Arish and can’t afford the prohibitive cost of treatment [in Egypt].

“One of the policeman at the gate [of the Rafah border crossing] actually said let her die, Weiland added.

Weiland, along with 10 Egyptians, two French and one British citizen make up the current members of the IMORB who are camped out at the gate.

The group has consistently had a presence at the border since June 13.

Meanwhile, Egyptian authorities announced Friday that they were set to destroy 680 kg of humanitarian aid intended for Palestinians because it had been kept too long at the border and had spoilt. The aid consisted of medicine, agricultural pesticides and peanuts.

Only certain types of medical aid are allowed through the Rafah crossing, therefore this aid was intended for passage through Al-Oja crossing further south on the border with Israel. Israel refused to allow the shipment in and it will now be destroyed by fire in the town of Sheikh Zowayed.

An aid convoy led by British Respect MP George Galloway is expected at the Rafah crossing early next week. It will be carrying aid and medical supplies intended for the Gaza strip, which has been under a blockade since June 2007.

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