Obama to announce new Mideast peace plan, say US reports

Abdel-Rahman Hussein
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Reports from Washington indicate that US President Barack Obama will announce a more comprehensive Middle East peace settlement later this month.

Reports indicate that Obama will call for a peace summit in the fall, which will include Syria, to seek a comprehensive solution to the Middle East peace process that does not only deal with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

It is expected that the announcement will be made after President Hosni Mubarak’s visit to the US scheduled for Aug. 18.

The American Foreign Policy magazine reported that National Security Advisor Jason Jones had informed a European counterpart of the announcement.

Another official told the magazine, “I think they want to announce something in August; but whether they will be able to is unclear unless they change their game plan.

Al-Shorouk newspaper reported that NATO might be involved in any security arrangements needed for the final settlement if it is requested.

The newspaper also reported plans regarding the formation of a US defense umbrella in the region that would include Egypt along with Israel and other US allies. It is being discussed at the behest of Israel as a deterrent to Iran’s proposed nuclear program.

It would include the formation of more US military bases in the area, but not necessarily in Egypt, the newspaper said.

However Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit denied in a press conference Monday that Egypt was part of the US planned defense umbrella, indicating that it was untrue.

“This talk is not new, he told reporters in a press conference, adding that Egypt was not included in any plans regarding this matter.

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