Legal specialists continue sit-in

Tamim Elyan
1 Min Read

CAIRO: More than 1,000 legal specialists protested Sunday, marking the 35th day of their sit-in in front of the Ministry of Justice.

Protestors urged President Mubarak to interfere and end their crisis, emphasizing that they have no inner conflicts as some ministry reports suggested.

The protest today came as a response to allegations that we ended our sit-in, Mohamed Tahoon, spokesperson of the protesting specialists, told Daily News Egypt.

Specialists started their sit-in on July 6 demanding the replacement of law 96/1952, cancellation of periodic book number eight – that allows them to examine case files inside courtrooms only – as well as better pay and work conditions.

As negotiations began, specialists added to their lists of demands: restoring the authorities of the head of legal specialists sector, cancellation of obligatory appointment of specialists at courts, and receiving equal treatment as employees at the administrative prosecution and state judiciary authority.

We are persistent on our demands and will not leave until they are achieved with a ministerial decision, Tahoon said.

A resolution agreement reached last week after negotiations between specialists and the ministry failed to end the sit-in as the ministry changed the terms of the agreement.

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