CAIRO: Ismaili beat Arab all-star team 3-1 on Sunday in the testimonial match of Mohamed Salah Abou-Greisha, who now holds a position in the coastal club s board.
Former Ismaili striker and current Harras Hodoud assistant coach Abdel-Hamid Bassiouni hit a brace for the Dervishes, and Abdullah Al-Saied added the third.
Tunisian international Mohamed Selliti, who joined Ismaili this summer, featured for the all-star side and scored their sole goal.
Ismaili goalie Essam Al-Hadari also featured for the Arab all-star, while his deputy Mohamed Sobhi played at the other end.
Abou-Greisha announced his retirement by the end of the 2005-2006 season, before taking up a managerial job at Ismaili.