Education, Manpower Ministries unite to reform schools

Safaa Abdoun
2 Min Read

CAIRO: In an effort to develop Egypt’s human resources, the Ministries of Education and Manpower are joining forces to build and reform 100 schools nationwide.

The Union of Egyptians Abroad, under the umbrella of the Ministry of Manpower, will finance the building and reform of educational institutions, said Farid Abdel Samie, spokesperson for the Ministry of Education.

The agreement comes as part of the 100 Schools Project, an initiative launched by First Lady Suzanne Mubarak, which set out to increase the number of schools across the country, particularly in underprivileged areas, as well as develop the infrastructure of existing facilities, Abdel Samie said.

“What is happening today is a model initiative by the Union of Egyptians Abroad, which sets an example of patriotism. It also shows how education is among [Egypt’s] top priorities, Education Minister Yousri El-Gamal said at the signing ceremony.

Minister of Manpower Aisha Abdel Hady said, “This initiative from the Union of Egyptians Abroad to build and develop schools in their homeland shows the extent of their patriotism.

Abdel Hady added that she will continue to support investments by the ministry in various fields whether it is education or tourism or any other category.

Farouk El Dessouky, head of the Union of Egyptians Abroad, said building these schools is only the first step in the union’s ambitious agenda to develop public schools in Egypt to meet the challenges of the future, according to MENA.

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