Gharbeya governor to intervene in Tanta Flax factory crisis

Manar Ammar
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Workers at the Tanta Flax and Oil Company met last week with the governor of Gharbeya, who promised to moderate a meeting between them and the Saudi investor who bought the company in 2005.

The workers marked their strike’s fourth month by staging protests in front of the governor’s office.

On Sunday, the factory’s administration sent out four dismissal letters and 300 internal investigation letters to workers, a source inside the factory told Daily News Egypt.

However, the workers are not optimistic about the governor’s promise.

“We have been promised a lot before and by many other officials that they will look into it, but we know what that means, a source inside the company told Daily News Egypt. Around 900 workers from the Tanta Flax and Oil Company went on strike 92 days ago, accusing the administration of deliberately driving the factory to a loss.

The workers were initially calling for the return of union workers fired by the company, and an increase in meal allowances from LE 31 to LE 90.

They also claim they did not receive a promised raise – as per their contract – after Saudi investor Abdullah Al-Kaeky took over the company in July 2008.

The factory’s administration and the Saudi investor continue to ignore the workers’ demands, refusing negotiations.

Workers claim that the company was sold in 2005 to Al-Kaeky for much less than its market value. He bought the company, which included 10 other factories, four apartments and a number of vehicles for LE 83 million.

“We heard that the company’s contract between Al-Kaeky and the Ministry of Trade gives him the power to sell the company in 2012, Safwat Michel, one of the workers’ leaders, said.

Workers are also accusing the company’s security of plotting to divide them.

“The company’s security is trying to divide us by spreading lies [to create] internal conflicts, Michel said.

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