EUHR calls for the formation of an International Coptic Congress

Essam Fadl
2 Min Read

CAIRO: The Egyptian Union for Human Rights (EUHR) has proposed the formation of an International Coptic Congress that includes members of prominent organizations, blocs as well as independents from around the world.

The move aims to unify the efforts of the Coptic Diaspora worldwide.

EUHR said the congress should adhere to international human rights standards and should not be affiliated with any fanatic, religious or racial wave, according to an EUHR letter sent to Coptic organizations worldwide.

The letter called upon international organizations to discuss the proposal during a conference titled Openness for the sake of reconciliation to be hosted by EUHR in Cairo next October.

A large number of international Coptic organizations are expected to attend the conference, along with government officials and leaders from the ruling National Democratic Party.

The idea of creating the congress has become an urgent one since tension between Coptic organizations have escalated, which in turn affects the plight of Copts, Naguib Gabreil, head of EUHR, told Daily News Egypt.

The formation of the congress does not conflict with the sole identity of each organization; it unifies the efforts [of all organizations] and puts forth general guidelines for dealing with the plight of Copts.

Legal experts will draft the system upon which the proposed congress will function, which will include a general assembly, an executive committee and a number of specialized committees, he added. Experts will also be consulted with regards to how decisions are carried out, the mechanisms of working and raising funds.

EUHR suggested an initial structure for the congress, which would include 50 members representing all organizations: 12 members from American Coptic organizations, eight from Europe, eight from Australia, 10 from Canada, 10 from Egypt and the remaining four from different parts of the world.

The head of the congress would serve a three-year-term upon election, and is not to be elected for another term.

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