Schools, universities on swine flu alert

Daily News Egypt
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Universities and schools nationwide are taking precautionary measures to overcome the spread of H1N1, as they brace themselves for the start of the new academic year on Oct. 3.

Minister of Education Youssry El-Gamal said in a statement that around 2 million teachers will join the ministry’s campaign to fight the H1N1 virus in schools; launching awareness campaigns about the virus and preventative measure.

The governorate of Giza announced Thursday that the number of students in one classroom will not exceed 30, and that students will only go to school three days a week.

Laila Abdel Meguid, dean of the faculty of mass communication at Cairo University, told Daily News Egypt that more importantly they want students to be aware of the swine flu; and are organizing several awareness campaigns.

Screens displaying public service announcements will be placed on each floor informing students about the disease. During the first week students will also attend several symposiums.

She added that janitors were given specific instructions to maintain the facilities’ hygiene.

The university will also have a doctor on call to examine students [regularly], she added.

Brian MacDougall, vice president of the American University in Cairo (AUC), announced that since the flu is spreading rapidly worldwide the university is taking several measures to prevent it.

First, the university has implemented policies on both campuses, in New Cairo and Downtown, to maintain their hygiene.

Any student exhibiting flu-like symptoms will be moved to an isolated room in the New Cairo campus’ clinic.

AUC also urged its students and faculty to avoid non-essential travel outside of Egypt for the fall semester. The university’s faculty and staff will hold public information sessions about H1N1.

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