Kefaya threatens to take Gamal Mubarak to court

Essam Fadl
3 Min Read

CAIRO: The Kefaya Movement for Change has taken serious measures to launch a legal battle against Gamal Mubarak, inquiring about the source of his wealth and accusing him of taking up political roles that they claim are unconstitutional.

The movement formed a legal committee tasked with outlining the methods and mechanisms necessary to officially put the president’s son on trial.

“The committee is currently studying a file, which was put together by researchers from within the movement, containing Gamal Mubarak’s political and economic activities, general coordinator Abdel-Halim Qandil told Daily News Egypt.

The movement will call on Mubarak, who is currently the general secretary of the policies committee of the ruling National Democratic Party, to submit his personal financial statements, added Qandil. The movement claims that his fortune amounts to about $750 million.

“On the political front, Mubarak has unlawfully posed for political roles that are not outlined in either the constitution or any Egyptian law, said Qandil

“Heading ministerial meetings, meeting with the governors, drafting laws, making political and administrative decisions are the duties of the president. By law, no one has the right to take these decisions other than the president, Qandil said, adding that even Mubarak’s current position in the NDP does not allow him to take up such roles.

Moreover, Qandil referred to economic decisions taken by Mubarak that he says yielded negative results.

“For example, in 2003, he implemented a law to float the currency, which resulted in the depreciation of the pound and in turn harmed the national economy.

Tension swept the political scene in 2002 when Mubarak was appointed general secretary of the policies committee of the NDP, a move which is viewed by the opposition as a prelude to succession.

Although the government has shunned media reports claiming the succession of Mubarak the son, members of the opposition remain certain of “the scenarios of succession from the father to the son.

“We will do our best to put Gamal Mubarak on trial and legally accuse him of unconstitutionally posing as president and force him to reveal his personal financial statements to the public, said Qandil.

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