Letter to the Editor: Should we trust the new generation?

Daily News Egypt Authors
4 Min Read

Yes we should! If we could only give them the chance and get away from Tolstoy’s famous quote, “I will teach you how to walk by sitting on your back . Contrary to the usual style of enumerating problems, flaws and forthcomings which is an art in itself, I have decided to focus on the positive, the creative and the forward looking which is the essence of dreaming and working towards its realisation. For example, the new Sodic property Forty West illustrates a concept, a vision and a well thought city plan. It brought back memories of the master plans of Heliopolis and Maadi on a smaller scale.

In fact, when I first stepped into the hall where the project was being launched, with my close friends – some of whom may be referred to as “senior citizens – our spirits were lifted and we all felt rejuvenated with the buzz of the younger generation that filled the air.

We saw this as Egypt’s new generation, its new leaders, those who have charted what they envisaged their cities would look like. What was different? I would say, everything. All visitors were treated with dignity, without exception. Everybody was a VIP, there were no speeches but rather individualised presentations on a one to one basis, walking you through the various phases of the project. Those who were not so well versed on up-to-date terms could ask questions and receive answers by young, dynamic and enthusiastic guides. Those who needed chairs, to rest their feet, could sit. Others who needed sustenance, where catered to immediately, enabling them to stay on and enjoy the evening. Needless to say, attempts at dampening the excitement fell on deaf ears; what about the transport….it takes ages to get anywhere….to go wherever….. True, but this is not a neighbourhood, it is a vision of a city with all that a city needs – shops, schools, recreational centres, service plants, commercial sector and business sector with its transport. What is unique, are projects that capture the best qualities of a healthy environment – open spaces, walking areas where people can stroll, car free sections and neighbourhood facilities where children can cycle. It’s a green environment that reaches right in to your living area.

I am not promoting a particular project but developing a concept that is sound and employs a variety of skills such as engineers and plumbers to realise its execution.

I congratulate all those who have had the vision to plan and execute such projects and, there are many in Egypt. What is even more important, the projects that succeed are those that protect our environment, enhance the beautiful landscape and have a long term vision. I have found such a philosophy executed in low income housing that has embraced the same creativity as Forty West, by envisaging and providing all the amenities a human being needs – preserving his dignity and well-being.

In both the projects that I have recently seen, be it low or high income housing, what stands out is when the young generation are involved, you see the gleam in everyone’s eyes, the quiver of excitement in their voices and the boost of energy which they are barely able to contain, in the tireless efforts that they put in to making the launching of their projects a success. I just hope and pray that these young people will be given the opportunity to create and live the life of their dreams!

Aleya Hammad

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