Giving serious ideas a bad name
Avigdor Lieberman, Israel s new foreign minister, is perhaps most notorious for…
Breaking matzah, growing up Muslim amongst Jews
BOSTON, Massachusetts: As a Muslim American, I realize that my diploma from…
At what cost? – Passover's message
NEW YORK: All peoples and religions want to survive destruction. That is…
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown: the Musical?
A European theater operator wants to produce a musical version of Spanish…
Illuminating the Church of St. Gregory the Illuminator
Northeast of Ramsis station, along the street of the same name, an…
OT gives France Tel Wednesday deadline for Mobinil deal
CAIRO: Orascom Telecom (OT) Chairman Naguib Sawiris reiterated yesterday that Wednesday April…
Egypt bans cement exports as regulator investigates sector
CAIRO: The Ministry of Trade and Industry on Sunday announced it would…
Egyptian soldier killed, Israeli tourist stabbed in Sinai
CAIRO: In two separate incidents Monday, an Egyptian police officer was killed…
Brotherhood leader files lawsuit to end travel ban
CAIRO: Prominent Muslim Brotherhood member Essam Al-Erian filed a lawsuit Saturday against…
Egypt says 13 Lebanese, Sudanese hiding in Sinai
AL-ARISH: Egyptian police are tracking down 13 members of an alleged Hezbollah…