Year: 2015

Ismaili president firm over Saied investigation

Ismaili president Nasr Aboul-Hassan confirmed that defender Ibrahim Saied won't get back…

Daily News Egypt

State security releases Christians arrested for handing out Bibles

CAIRO: Egyptian state security released two Christian men who were arrested Sunday…

Manar Ammar

45 professors denied entry into Gaza, protest at Rafah border

CAIRO: A group of 45 professors who demonstrated near the Rafah border…

Nader Ramadan

North Sinai doctors continue sit-in

CAIRO: Doctors suspended their sit-in at the Doctors' Syndicate on Thursday after…

Sarah Carr

Cyprus cargo ship waits


Share your 'grievances'

CAIRO: Human rights violations, deteriorating economic conditions and immigration dilemmas are some…

Manar Ammar

A PALESTINIAN VIEW: Mitchell faces radical changes

The appointment of Senator George Mitchell as Middle East envoy for the…

Daily News Egypt

AN ISRAELI VIEW: The Mitchell paradox

It is too early to evaluate the direction the Mitchell mission is…

Daily News Egypt

Banks, states, and financial crises

PRINCETON: The most recent phase of the financial crisis, since the collapse…

Daily News Egypt

Dissident writer reveals Ho Chi Minh's tragic love secret

PARIS: An incendiary novel by Vietnam s most popular dissident writer takes…

Daily News Egypt