Year: 2015

In Focus: The Brotherhood and the Gaza Crisis

CAIRO: Despite the fact that the Palestinian cause is pivotal in the…

Southeast Asian consensus on freedom of speech

SINGAPORE: Debates over freedom of expression have been at the centre of…

Daily News Egypt

The case for fiscal stimulus

CAMBRIDGE: Governments around the world are now developing massive fiscal stimulus packages…

Daily News Egypt

Hamas's wars are greater than itself

BEIRUT: Hamas is waging three wars at the same time, all deeply…

Daily News Egypt

Sawiris prize unveils Egypt's hidden literary talents

For the fourth consecutive year, the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development is…

Safaa Abdoun

The mother of the world

Despite how cliché and naïve it may sound, the old saying that…

Daily News Egypt

Egypt food exports to Arab countries at $102 mln

CAIRO: The final destinations of nearly half of all Egyptian food exports…

Daily News Egypt

One on one with Klaus Shwab

The news is grim tonight on the economic front. Fifty-four thousand jobs…

Richard Quest