Hamas pledges loyalty to Arabs: Saudi minister

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SHARM EL-SHEIKH: Exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal has assured Saudi Arabia his movement is loyal to Arab states, the kingdom s foreign minister, Prince Saud Al-Faisal, said on Tuesday.

I asked Khaled Meshaal whether the movement stood with Arabs or with others, Prince Saud said, referring to Iran, a strong regional backer of Hamas, the Islamist group that rules Gaza.

Meshaal insisted that Hamas was an Arab movement and that the Palestinian question was an Arab issue, the Saudi minister said at Sharm El-Sheikh after talks with President Hosni Mubarak.

The exchange between Prince Saud and Meshaal occurred on Sunday during a visit by the Hamas leader to Saudi Arabia.

Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia non-Arab Iran have been traditional rivals in the Middle East.

Tensions have recently mounted between the two as Saudi Arabia accuses Iran of supporting Huthi rebels in northern Yemen, which the kingdom has fought along its border with Yemen.

Prince Saud s visit to Egypt is part of a string of regional meetings aimed at reviving peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, which have been stalled for a year.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan s King Abdullah II were in Egypt on Monday for talks with Mubarak, a week after a visit by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

On Sunday in Riyadh, Meshaal said Egyptian-led talks aimed at reconciling the Palestinian Islamist movement and its rival Fatah were close to bearing fruit.

US President Barack Obama has repeatedly called on Israel and the Palestinians to resume peace talks, but the Palestinians have demanded Israel first freeze all settlement activity and commit to a framework for the talks.

The Palestinians have insisted the borders of their promised state encompass all of their land Israel occupied in 1967, including mostly Arab east Jerusalem – which Israel later annexed in a move not recognized by the international community – as their capital.

Hamas s takeover of Gaza in 2007, which shrank Abbas powerbase to the West Bank and deepened Palestinian divisions, has also hampered peace talks with Israel. -AFP

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