Ibrahim Hassan dazed after Raouraoua denied reprieve

Sherif Tarek
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Ibrahim Hassan says he was flabbergasted when Mohamed Raouraoua, president of the Union of North African Football Federations (UNAF), denied that his ban was lifted.

The Zamalek de facto football director was told on Sunday that he had been granted a reprieve, but Raouraoua, who s also the Algerian FA chief, stated a day later that the suspension was still effective.

Hassan, 43, is now scratching his head about what caused this misunderstanding.

Raouraoua s statement was a big surprise, he told FilGoal.com.

(UNAF board member) Ahmed Shaker told me that the ban was lifted and asked me to withdraw the lawsuit which I had filed against the Union.

I did as he told me, although the case cost me a lot of money.

Now I m dazed and can t determine who has tricked me.

Ibrahim Hassan, twin of Zamalek coach Hossam Hassan, was handed a five-year ban in December 2008 after losing his head in a regional match between Masri and Algeria s JSM Bejaia.

The former Egypt ace, who was the football director of Masri, spat at the referee, assaulted the fourth official and made improper gestures towards the home crowd after the Port Said team lost 2-0 at Bejaia.

His suspension was upheld by world governing body FIFA.

Hassan was consequently dismissed by Masri and had to settle for an unofficial role at Zamalek this season.

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