Hamdi Qandil named spokesman of ElBaradei's National Coalition for Change

Essam Fadl
2 Min Read

CAIRO: Members of the National Coalition for Change, headed by the former Secretary-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, chose journalist and outspoken talk show host Hamdi Qandil, to be the group’s official spokesman at a meeting attended by ElBaradei Thursday.

Sources told Daily News Egypt that the meeting was convened to outline an organizational structure for the Coalition, adding that during the meeting, a coordinating committee was also chosen.

This committee includes a number of prominent members including general coordinator Hassan Naf’a, a professor of political science at Cairo University; Mahmoud El-Khodeiri, Deputy Head of the Court of Cassation; Mohamed Abul Ghar, coordinator of the March 9 movement; George Ishaq, assistant coordinator of the Kefaya Movement for Change; and Abdel Gelil Mostafa, former coordinator of Kefaya.

Qandil told Daily News Egypt: “I’m working on preparing a media plan to be executed in the coming period to activate the Coalition’s role and advocate its demands among the people.

Ishaq commented that the decision to name a coordination committee was “a positive development .

He told Daily News Egypt that the objective of choosing a committee is to implement the principle of collective leadership to manage issues democratically and to avoid problems related to individual decisions, which has been the center of controversy among members in the past.

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