April 6 movement plans demonstration

Essam Fadl
3 Min Read

CAIRO: The April 6 Youth Movement notified the Ministry of Interior of the demonstration it plans to stage on April 6 in front of parliament, calling for constitutional amendments on Articles 76, 77 and 88.

The movement is also calling for canceling the emergency law and the amendment of the political rights’ law.

The Hisham Mubarak Law Center is organizing a training course on Tuesday and Wednesday in its headquarters to train the movement’s activists on how to deal with arrests and familiarize them with their legal rights, amidst expectations that security services will resort to violence and detentions to thwart the demonstration.

General Coordinator of the April 6 Movement Ahmed Maher told Daily News Egypt that the memo was sent to the Cairo Security Directorate so that security officials don’t thwart the demonstration based on allegations that they weren’t notified with the date three days in advance.

“Egyptian laws state that security services must be notified of the date of any demonstration and its itinerary at least three days before it takes place,” he added.

The notification specified the demonstrations’ itinerary from Tahrir Square to the Parliament headquarters, he said.

Maher said that many opposition groups are going to participate in the demonstration, including Kefaya, the National Coalition for Change, headed by Mohamed ElBaradei, the Tagammu Party, the Democratic Front Party, El-Ghad and El-Karama parties as well as a number of other rights groups.

Spokesman for the National Coalition for Change Hamdi Qandil told Daily News Egypt, “The association will take part in the demonstration. I will participate in the demonstration along with a delegation of the coordinating committee to support the call for constitutional amendments.”

Lawyer at the Hisham Mubarak Law Center Ahmed Ragheb told Daily News Egypt, "The course organized by the center aims at introducing the activists to their legal rights and training them on how to deal with security officials if they are arrested.

“The activists will also be trained on how to deal with the prosecution; how to answer investigators’ questions and their right to an attorney during the investigation,” he said.

He explained that the course includes drills that train the activists on ways to keep their colleagues and lawyers informed with their news and any violations that may occur against them in case they are detained.


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