18-year-old Mansoura man tortured by police, says rehab center

Daily News Egypt Authors
1 Min Read

CAIRO: The Nadeem Center for the Rehabilitation of the Victims of Violence and Torture reported Sunday that an 18-year-old man was tortured by police officers who threw him out of a third-floor window.

The Nadeem Center says that Mohamed Salah Mahmoud Ghareeb was taken to the Beni Abeed police station in the Delta governorate of Mansoura on the evening of July 3, 2010 when he challenged two policemen who refused to pay the cost of a ride in Ghareeb’s tuk-tuk (motorized rickshaw).

The Nadeem Center alleges that Ghareeb was physically assaulted and tortured in the office of head of criminal investigations Tamer Yahya before being thrown from a third floor window.

The Nadeem Center says that according to a medical report by the El-Salam International Hospital, Ghareeb suffered a broken knee, multiple fractures of the thigh bone, a broken pelvis, suspected internal hemorrhaging, suspected concussion, a broken right hand and a fractured skull caused by an “attack by others”.

By the time that the Dakernes public prosecution office went to the El-Salam Hospital Ghareeb had already slipped into a coma. He is currently undergoing surgery.


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