Arab League says summit on schedule

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CAIRO: The Arab League on Saturday insisted on holding its annual summit on March 29 in Baghdad as scheduled, after Libya said it was postponed amid deadly protests across the region demanding regime changes.

"In the current circumstances, the general secretariat of the Arab League insists on the importance of holding the next summit on schedule … to face the dangerous developments in the Arab world," the league said in a statement.

The summit had already been announced for March 29 in Baghdad, but on Thursday Libya, which presides over the summit, said it had decided to push back the date.

Baghdad immediately denied Tripoli’s claim, saying on Friday that such a postponement was not "an individual decision."

The summit comes at a critical time in the Arab world, where two popular revolts have toppled the presidents of Tunisia and Egypt and deadly anti-government protests rage in Libya, Bahrain and Yemen.

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