Jan. 25 Youth Movement rejects cabinet reshuffle, demands new government

2 Min Read

By Tamim Elyan

CAIRO: The Jan. 25 Youth Movement said Monday that they refuse any reshuffles in the current interim government and demanded a new government made up of technocrats until an elected one comes in place after constitutional amendments.

“The presence of Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq is a threat to the revolution as he was chosen by ousted President Mubarak and denied knowledge of the violent clashes between pro-Mubarak and protestors in Tahrir,” Mohamed Abdel Aziz, spokesperson of Jan. 25 Movement, told Daily News Egypt.

A statement issued by the movement demanded the dismissal of the current government lead by PM Shafiq, dissolving the National Democratic Party (NDP), ending the state of emergency and releasing all political prisoners.

“These are our immediate demands and we are preparing a huge demonstration next Friday to voice them,” Abdel Aziz said.

Other demands include freedom of forming political parties and freedom of the media, according to Abdel Aziz, and are directed towards the Egyptian people as well as the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which has been ruling Egypt since Feb. 11 when Mubarak stepped down.

He denied calls for a mass demonstration Tuesday demanding the resignation of the current government and said that there have been several separate initiatives but they only called for people to demonstrate on Friday.




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