Opportunities amidst challenges in Egypt

5 Min Read

By Ibrahim Negm

As our beloved nation embarks on its difficult but necessary transition from the autocracy of the previous regime to a democratic future embodying the aspirations and desires of the Egyptian people, we have continued to witness acts of great dedication and courage.

Over the past month, we have seen the Egyptian people act with great patriotism and honor in an effort to achieve their basic rights and privileges. The attitude that has characterized the Egyptian revolution from its outset is that of civility and good faith.

We have seen the people working together to attain their goals in an admirable spirit of cooperation throughout demonstrations, food shortages, communications disruptions, and other moments of great danger. This is a testament to the great character of the Egyptian people and their long-standing tradition of social cohesion and mutual respect. I have great faith that this is the trait by which our people and their revolution will be remembered.

In the face of these great accomplishments, it remains our sacred duty to continue to bear witness to the truth. In this regard, it is important to point out that we are still experiencing some of the growing pains of this new phase in our history. Recent days have seen the re-emergence of tension and violent conflict between some Muslims and members of our Coptic community, who are a respected and integral part of Egyptian society.

It is regretful that these have led to loss of life, in addition to injuries to many and damage to a Coptic church. As well, we have continued to see clashes erupt in Tahrir Square. I call on all parties to put aside their differences and ensure that the immediate future of our nation remains one of unity, harmony and social cohesion, and not violence, chaos and sectarianism. There are those who would wish to hamper the development of post-revolutionary Egypt, their sole wish being to mar the successes of the recent events. We must not allow ourselves to fall into these traps.

In the immediate aftermath of the storming of State Security offices, we have also been beset by other signs of turmoil. News headlines over the past few days have brought to our attention so-called classified documents found in these buildings. Piles of shredded documents were found, but in those that remained, we began to understand how the security apparatus had crossed all boundaries in spying on the country.

Many notable figures were unjustifiably defamed, including top opposition figures and journalists who had spoken against the ousted regime. Among those defamed without any proof or credibility was Dr Ali Gomaa, the Grand Mufti. To his credit, the Grand Mufti has, despite his understandable anger, ignored these misleading allegations and continued with his daily work, knowing this turmoil was to be expected in the aftermath of such political upheaval. It must be said, however, that these are nothing but blackmail attempts by remnants of the toppled regime. The Grand Mufti is well above any wrongdoing, and he continues to enjoy great popularity, respect and love among the various religious and social segments of the country. He has never bowed to the wishes of any authority, always speaking out against any mischief jeopardizing the welfare of Egyptian society.

Egyptians have always demonstrated great resolve when confronted with calamities — throughout history and in recent months. I have no doubt that the country shall rise above these trivialities and mischief, united and strong as ever, and icons such as Dr Ali and others, will continue serving their legacies, overcoming all obstacles aimed at stopping them.

Ibrahim Negm is Advisor to the Grand Mufti of Egypt.



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