Law center files lawsuit to dismantle State Security

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CAIRO: A legal rights NGO filed a lawsuit Monday before the administrative court asking to dismantle the state security investigations services.

The Hisham Mubarak Law Center filed the lawsuit on behalf of the political and rights activists against the head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, the prime minister and minister of interior.

"Dissolving the State Security is necessary to rebuild the structure of the police service in Egypt, from a suppressive device against the citizens that violates their rights, into an apparatus that works to ensure protection of citizens.”

The rights group suggested turning the headquarters of state security into museums commemorating the Jan. 25 Revolution.

The lawsuit argues that keeping the state security contradicts with the Supreme Council of Armed Forces constitutional declaration, police law, and international human rights conventions.

Ten days ago, citizens stormed state security headquarters across Egypt. A number of its officers are now under investigation for shredding and burning official documents.

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