Three men to hang for rape

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CAIRO: An Egyptian military court in the Suez Canal city of Ismailiya has ordered the execution of three men convicted of kidnapping and raping a woman last month, the state-owned press said on Monday.

Mohamed Gamal Attiya, Mohamed Misbah Abdel Haq and Ibrahim Mohamed Al-Shennawi are to be hanged, in the first ruling by a military court since Egypt passed tougher laws on sexual offences, the mass circulation Al-Ahram newspaper reported.

The victim, 24, and a male relative were driving on a motorway on March 20 on their way to the northern city of Damietta when the three men forced them to stop the vehicle at gun point.

"They then took the woman further away and proceeded to assault her," Al-Ahram said.

The men were caught by the army, which has taken charge of policing since a popular uprising toppled president Hosni Mubarak in February.


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