Cabinet approves establishment of Farmers’ Syndicate

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CAIRO: Prime Minister Essam Sharaf approved Thursday the establishment of a syndicate for farmers to represent farmers in collective negotiations with agricultural authorities.

Eligible members must own five feddans maximum.

The new syndicate, the first of its kind in Egypt, will be officially inaugurated by Sharaf at its headquarters in Nubaria in Beheira governorate.

"We never had a voice, the syndicate will represent us and help us improve the livelihoods of farmers and improve the quality of products," said Mohamed Abdel Qader, head of the syndicate.

"We have been trying to establish a syndicate for the past 12 years but we never got a response," he added.

He said that the syndicate will work on reducing the costs incurred by farmers, provide support in marketing produce, mediate between them and the agricultural advising authorities and local agricultural administrations as well as initiate a channel of communication with the Ministry of Agriculture.

"We will also establish a health insurance system for member farmers since we are the only sector without insurance," Abdel Qader said.

The launch of the syndicate was announced on April 11 and has been collecting signatures for its founders over the past six months.

Sharaf met earlier this week with a delegation of farmers and listened to their problems and demands.

The date of the initial general assembly is yet to be set.


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