South Africa calls for immediate ceasefire in Libya

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CAPE TOWN: South Africa’s foreign minister called for an immediate ceasefire in Libya on Tuesday, after President Jacob Zuma’s talks in Tripoli failed to advance an African Union peace plan.

"Consistent with the decision of the AU on Libya, we reiterate our call for immediate ceasefire that is verifiable and encourage the warring parties to begin a dialogue to a democratic transition," Maite Nkoana-Mashabane told parliament.

"We strongly still believe that there is no solution for the Libyan problem that will come militarily but only with political dialogue," she added.

Zuma met with Moammar Qaddafi in Tripoli on Monday, but failed to close the gap between the Libyan leader and rebels on a plan proposed by the continental organization.

The rebels have rejected the AU proposal, which calls for a ceasefire and "implementation of the political reforms necessary for the elimination of the causes of the current crisis".

That falls short of the rebel demand for Qaddafi to leave power, and Zuma has so far said nothing about how to bridge the impasse.

After meeting Qaddafi, Zuma said that the Libyan leader was "ready to implement the roadmap of the AU," which would include a halt to NATO-led bombing.

Qaddafi insisted "all Libyans be given a chance to talk among themselves" to determine the country’s future, said Zuma, who is heading the African Union mediation process in Libya.

South Africa has consistently slammed the airstrikes against the strongman’s regime despite voting for the United Nations no-fly zone resolution that led to the NATO-led campaign.

But it has simultaneously condemned attacks on civilians as a "heinous violation of human rights against his own people," with Nkoana-Mashabane saying the AU had advised the African states to vote for the resolution.

"South Africa did not vote for regime change. By the time we voted on this resolution, more than 2,000 people were mowed down by their own government that was supposed to protect them," said Nkoana-Mashabane.

"We apologize to no one for having been informed by our foreign policy to vote the way that we did. And we will continue saying that."

South Africa was once tipped as a possible exile destination for Qaddafi, but Pretoria has said no offer was ever extended.

That possibility is now more remote after the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court in The Hague sought an arrest warrant for him on charges of crimes against humanity, accusing him of having ordered his forces to gun down civilians in their homes, at funerals and outside mosques.

If the warrant is issued by the court’s judges, South Africa’s treaty obligations would require Qaddafi’s arrest if he were to enter the country.

But the Times newspaper in Johannesburg reported Tuesday that Libyan officials have entered into a agreement with South African law firm Langa Attorneys to provide legal advice and services to Qaddafi and other top leaders.

"The deal will include defending the Libyan government officials in the event that they are hauled before the International Criminal Court (in The Hague) on charges of human rights abuses," a source told the newspaper.

Under the agreement reportedly reached three weeks ago, the firm was asked to assemble a team of international law experts to put together Qaddafi’s defense strategy if he quits, says the report.


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