Agriculture ministry denies link between Egyptian seeds and E. coli

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CAIRO: The Ministry of Agriculture released a statement Wednesday further denying the connection between Egyptian seeds and European E. coli outbreaks.

“It could be related to different handling processes like the repacking or water used for sprouting,” the report stated.

A statement by the EU released on May 21 concluded that lot no. 48088 of fenugreek seeds was “most likely the common link” between the outbreaks.

The Ministry of Agriculture’s report stressed that there are scientific reasons E. coli could not have contaminated the seeds in Egypt.

“Lot no. 48088 had been exported on November 2009 as dried seeds,” the report said. “Scientifically, the bacteria cannot remain on this dry surface from 2009 to June 2011.”

It further stressed that no tests of the seeds have come out positive, including tests of leftover stock in British and German warehouses.

The seeds passed through four human health quarantines (Netherlands –Germany – UK – France) on their route, and no contamination was discovered at any point.

The report also defended the Egyptian agricultural production system, and welcomed an audit of its supply line.



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