29 injured in bomb attack on police station in Algeria

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ALGIERS: A suicide bomb attack on a police station in eastern Algeria early Sunday injured 29 people, including two Chinese nationals, the on-line edition of the French language daily El Watan reported.

Mohamed Nedir, director of the university hospital in Tizi Ouzou, around 100 kilometers (60 miles) east of the capital, said eight policemen were among the injured.

The two Chinese were inside their clothing shop, which is close to the police station, when the blast went off around 0300 GMT, a journalist at the scene told AFP.

The suicide bomber rammed the entrance of the police station, causing major damage, the paper said, adding that the blast woke local residents.

Eastern Algeria, notably the Kabylie region, has been rocked by a series of such attacks this summer. The most spectacular was on June 25, when three men, including the son of the former number two in the outlawed Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), drove around on a truck packed with explosives. They were intercepted and killed by security forces 60 kilometres (40 miles) from Algiers.


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