Minister of Health announces salary increases

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CAIRO: Minister of Health Amr Helmy announced a plan to raise the salaries of doctors and others working in the health sector, involving a new legislation which entails directing part of the revenues into bonuses and salaries, meanwhile upholding the rights of the patients which remain a priority.

Following a meeting with the heads of Health Affairs Administrations throughout the country, Helmy said that his deputies will be working on compiling all the contracts of doctors with hospitals all over Egypt and redistributing them in order to achieve justice in incomes.

Last month, Helmy announced that a total of LE 940 million will be allocated to salary reform in the medical sector, which will go into increasing the salaries for doctors, dentists, pharmacists and nurses.

“Improving the financial conditions of those working in medicine is a great step,” said Dr Abdel Fattah Rizk, board member of the Doctors’
Syndicate. “We will further work to increase the financing for many other areas in the field.”

Doctors have called for a strike on Sept. 10 to demand better pay after they reportedly received the August salary without any of the promised incentives.



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