Watchdog wants Egypt to free hunger-striking blogger

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CAIRO: Amnesty International urged Egypt on Monday to immediately release a detained blogger who has been on hunger strike for more than a month.

Maikel Nabil, 25, is serving a three-year prison sentence for allegedly spreading false information about the army’s behavior during the uprising that forced President Hosni Mubarak out of office in February.

He has been refusing food since Aug. 23 demanding to be released, according to his brother Mark.

"It is deeply worrying that Egypt’s treatment of dissenters seems to have changed little since President Mubarak was in charge," said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

"Maikel Nabil Sanad must be released immediately and unconditionally. In the meantime, he must be given the medical attention he requires," she said.

Maikel was arrested from his home in Cairo in March, tried at a military court two weeks later over remarks on Facebook, in which he allegedly said that the armed forces had tried to suppress demonstrators who overthrew Mubarak.

Mark said that his brother, who was last seen by the family on Sept. 19, had lost 12 kg (36 lbs) since he went on hunger strike.

"Maikel has been surviving on water only," Mark told Reuters, adding that Maikel has pledged not to stop his hunger strike until he is freed.

His appeal against the ruling is set for Oct. 4.–Additional reporting by Dina Zayed

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