GCC calls for Sunday Arab FM meeting on Syria

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CAIRO: Six Gulf countries have demanded an emergency meeting of Arab foreign ministers on Sunday to discuss the ongoing unrest in protest-hit Syria, an Arab League official said.

The members of the Gulf Cooperation Council called for the "to explore developments in Syria," the official said on Friday.

The 22-member Arab League has not yet approved the request but such meetings need only the approval of two members to take place.

On Thursday, the GCC said the meeting would address "the situation in Syria, which has deteriorated sharply, particularly in its humanitarian dimensions, and steps that could help end the bloodshed and halt the machine of violence."

In a meeting on September 13, Arab foreign ministers met in Cairo and called on the Syrian authorities to "immediately stop the bloodshed," drawing a testy response from Damascus.

Arab League chief Nabil El-Araby had met Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad three days earlier and presented him with a 13-point document outlining Arab proposals for reform.

More than 3,000 civilians have been killed in Syria since mid-March, when nationwide protests erupted against President Bashar Al-Assad’s regime.


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