Supporters of Al-Aqsa freedom gather at Azhar

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CAIRO: Hundreds gathered after Friday prayers at Al-Azhar Mosque to support the Palestinian cause and condemn the judaization of Palestine.

The event, dubbed “Friday of Al-Aqsa Support,” was attended by some Azhar scholars and mainly members of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups.

According to Essam El-Erian, the event was organized by Al-Azhar, Islam’s highest institution of learning, along with the Union of Muslim Scholars. The Muslim Brotherhood was invited along with other groups, and some of its members attended, he said.

Moukhtar Al-Mahdy, head of a group promoting Sharia, said Muslim unity is the only way to free Al-Aqsa Mosque and work towards a free Palestine.

“If our enemy has his own myth of ruling all the land between the River Nile and the Al-Forat River, we have a promise by God to win this battle,” Al-Mahdy said. “Everyone should know that Al-Aqsa is a red line,” he added.

Attendees chanted “Our beloved Aqsa, your sun will never set,” “Egyptians have said it, Al-Aqsa is a main demand,” and “Islam regains its pride or we die as martyrs.”

Abdel Rahman Al-Mor, member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s advisory bureau, said the most important step to a free Palestine is to prepare the young generation for the upcoming battle.

He called on Egyptian businessmen to start investing in the reconstruction of Palestine.

Khalil Ismail, member of Hamas’ political bureau, said Israelis are aiming to decrease the number of Palestinians to only 20 percent of the whole population by forcing them out of the country and not allowing them to construct houses or participate economically.

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