Highlight: Political party programs in focus

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Free Egyptians: (The Egyptian Bloc)

• Education policy: Doubling state’s spending on education in a plan to be executed in five years maximum; allowing free education in the university level only to students who can’t afford it and prove academic excellence.
• Health policy: Doubling state’s spending on health in a plan to be executed in five years maximum, so that the health insurance institution is committed to provide full health insurance to all citizens. The party also enables the private sector to take part in the state program.
• Housing policy: The state shall be committed to provide housing to all citizens through: preventing the state from trading in real state; amending laws to end monopoly in industries related to housing like cement and steel; and providing housing units for the poor with limited resources.
• Admin system: Reforming state institutions by promoting decentralization and amending anti corruption laws.
• Political development policy: Ensuring a pact of legislative amendments to develop the political system, such as anti discrimination laws and laws pertaining to protecting civil rights like the right of expression and religious freedom, in addition to ending military trials for civilians. The party also calls for the complete independence of the judiciary, allowing only the Supreme Judiciary Council to administer the affairs of judges, hence ending the state’s dominance over the sector.

Al-Nour: (The Islamic Alliance)
• Education policy: Increasing the budget allocated to education, encouraging the business and charity organizations by Egyptians inside the country and abroad to build schools.
• Health policy: Increasing the health budget of health from 1.5 percent to 7-10 percent of the national budget in order to increase the number of medical institutions and spread them geographically across the country according to the needs of the impoverished areas. The party also allows private sector to cooperate with the government to improve health services.
• Housing policy: Providing cheap housing for newly married couples, citizens living in slums, and in impoverished areas across the country.
• Admin system: Reforming state institutions by amending anti corruption laws and enhancing state supervision over government institutions.
• Political development policy: The party rejects a theocratic state in which rulers allege obligation from God, and also agnostic state that wants to get rid of the historic and religious roots of the Egyptian people. The party calls for a modern state with total separation between state institutions, especially promoting complete independence of the judiciary. The party believes in democracy in the frame of Islamic Sharia.

Al-Wasat Party
• Educational policy: The party calls for free education in all its stages, explaining that low quality educational services are not necessarily due to free education, but rather due to the failure of the policies applied. The party supports firmer state supervision in all types of education especially in non-Egyptian schools where Arabic is rarely taught.
• Health policy: Free and obligatory health insurance system shall be applied to all Egyptians, allowing almost no interference from the private sector.
• Housing policy: The announced party program doesn’t explicitly outline its vision in this sector.
• Admin system: The party promotes anti corruption laws, complete separation between state institutions, and complete independence of the judiciary.
• Political development policy: The party supports protecting civil liberties, including preventing discrimination of all sorts, giving equal chances to all citizens to run for high ranking state positions including presidency. The party calls for cancelling all laws pertaining to restricting freedoms like the emergency law. It also proposes reducing powers given to the president.

Freedom and Justice (The Democratic Alliance)
• Educational policy: The party guarantees the right of free education to all stages, allowing private funding and endowments to support the state’s inability to fully fund the sector.
• Health policy: The party guarantees equal access to health insurance for all citizens, with more privileges to poor citizens, and gradually increasing the health budget until it reaches international standards.
• Housing policy: The party promotes directing the subsidies given to housing-related goods and industries to direct subsidies given to citizens to fund their housing. The party also calls for restructuring the slums areas to make them suitable for their residents.
• Admin system: The party promotes decentralization of municipal councils and gives them all the authorities to run the affairs of their respective governorates. Municipal councils should be directly elected by the citizens, giving them the authorities to amend laws and run the governorates’ budgets.
• Political development policy: The party believes that the principles of Islamic Sharia are the main source of legislation while granting non-Muslims the right to use their religious edicts in their personal affairs. The party at the same time believes that the state should be civil, not military and not theocratic, to guarantee civil rights for all citizens. The party proposes parliamentary system as the best system to guarantee the independence of different state institutions.

The Popular Alliance Socialist Party (The Revolution Continues Coalition)
• Educational policy: The party guarantees free education in all stages and transforming the private university system to function as non-profit organizations.
• Health policy: The party provides free health care for all citizens, banning privatization of the health insurance system, in addition to increasing the budget of the sector in accordance with the growing need of complete health services in impoverished areas.
• Housing policy: The party proposes large-scale, national and non-profit projects to provide housing for youth and the poor, with affordable prices. It also proposes restructuring slums and preventing forced evacuations unless the government provides the immediate alternatives.
• Admin system: The party calls for transferring municipal councils to decentralized state institutions that can run the governorate affairs and moderate its budget, in addition to issuing anti-corruption laws to increase competence within state institutions.
• Political development policy: The party calls for a parliamentary political system that allows the elected parliament to form the government and oversee its performance.



This chart is reprinted with permission from its creator Jacopo Carbonari. Click here to download a pdf of this chart.


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