Egypt Brotherhood party says wins 34 run-off seats

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CAIRO: The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) won 34 individual seats of the 45 it contested in the first run-off vote of a parliamentary election, a party source said on Wednesday.

The FJP had already secured two clear-cut wins for its individual candidates last week. The run-off was held on Monday and Tuesday.

"The FJP has won 34 individual seats in the run-off vote of the first round out of a total of 45 seats contested by FJP individual candidates," the FJP source told Reuters.

A total of 56 individual seats were contested by all parties in the first round of the election, with others assigned to party lists. The vote was the first of three election stages being held over six weeks.

Under a complex system, two-thirds of the 498 elected lower house seats go proportionately to party lists, with the rest going to individual candidates, who must win more than 50 percent of votes in the first round to avoid a run-off.


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