The Bahraini crown prince ordered security forces on Tuesday to show more restraint while dealing with Bahraini protesters, according to state-run Bahraini news agency BNA.
“The king’s instructions are clear and decisive, and today I direct them to you again as orders to be implemented, and these are to respect the constitution and the law and (ensure) they are not violated in any form,” Crown Prince Salman was reported by BNA as saying.
The crown prince also stressed the importance of avoiding the use of force against protesters “unless all alternative methods to the security approach are exhausted,” as well as warning against discriminatory action toward citizens of different sects.
The move came after Bahraini authorities banned public demonstrations by Bahraini political associations.
Al Wefaq National Islamic Society – the biggest opposition group in Bahrain – launched a report on its website on Wednesday, stating more than 240 civilians were arrested during the month of July.
The report also noted that some 100 civilians were wounded by authorities – apart from those who remain unknown to the group – and that almost 200 homes have been raided by security forces.
The uprising in Bahrain started in February 2011, calling for political reform.