In accordance with President Mohamed Morsy’s orders to reshuffle and fill the vacancies within the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, Commander-in-Chief and Minister of Defence General Abdel-Fatah El-Sisi has on Wednesday made 10 new appointments to leadership positions in the military.
Former Military Prosecutor Major General Medhat Ghezy was appointed as the new Chief of Military Justice, replacing Major General Adel Morsy who was in turn made Assistant to the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces.
El-Sisi also hired Major General Adel Askar as Commander of the Third Army in place of Lieutenant General Sedki Sobhi whom President Morsy had made Chief of Staff on Sunday.
Major General Ibrahim El-Domiaty was made new Director of Military Police after Morsy had asked El-Sisi’s predecessor, Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, to replace the former Director of the Military Police DepartmentMajor General Hamdy Badeen. Tantawi removed Badeen and made him Advisor to the Minister of Defence for Sinai Affairs.
The new Minister of Defence has also appointed Major General Mohamed Arafat as the new Commander of the Southern Military Zone, replacing Major General Mohsen El-Shazly. Major General Nabil El-Shazly in turn replaced Major General Mohamed Saber Attiaas Chief of Operations of the Armed Forces.
Several commanders were kept in their posts, however. Major General Ahmed Wasfy was kept in his position as Commander of the Second Field Army, as well as Major General Taher Abdallah, Chief of the Engineering Authority of the Armed Forces.
El-Sisi also kept three out of Egypt’s four military zone commanders. Commander of the Central Military Zone Major General Tawhid Tawfiq, Commander of the Northern Military Zone Major General Gamal Shehata and Commander of the Western Military Zone Major General Medhat El-Nahas all remain in place.
Major General Ahmed Abou El-Dahab is also set to stay on as Director of the Morale Affairs Department.
El-Sisi is yet to hire a new Director of Military Intelligence and Reconnaissance, the position he held before President Morsy promoted him.