Petroleum Ministry raises diesel quota for electricity stations

Daily News Egypt
2 Min Read

The Minister of Petroleum’s decision to increase the amount of diesel fuel channeled to power stations by 150 percent has caused worry about supply shortages from gas station owners.

Samy Sultan, Deputy Director for Petroleum Products at the Federation for the Chambers of Commerce, said increasing the allocated amounts for power stations must correspond with an increase in the amount of imported diesel. Increasing imports is necessary to avoid potential fuel shortages, particularly since this year has already seen several shortages of diesel and other kinds of gasoline, he added.

Fuel imports must increase because electricity generators usage is increasing as well due to rolling power cuts, Sultan said. Many commercial and residential locations rely on generators during power cuts, placing a further burden on the petroleum sector, he explained.

Mahmoud Hamada, Director of the Petroleum Products at Menya Chamber of Commerce, said there are shortages of 80, 90 and 92 octane fuel in a number of governorates. He added that increasing gasoline use in generators will definitely lead to a future gasoline shortage.

Mansour Zaki, Managing Director of the Petroleum Products Division, said increasing diesel allocation for power stations will not burden gas stations, because gasoline is available in all governorates, which confirms stability. In addition, the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation has taken all necessary measures to assure products are available for citizens alongside increasing amounts for power stations.

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