Media reports indicated that Chancellor Abdul Moez Ibrahim, the Court of Appeal former chief judge, has been referred to the criminal court for his involvement in smuggling foreign defendants out of the country, during the illegal funding of foreign NGOs case in February.
It was reported that four other chancellors, who are members of the technical committee of the Court of Appeal, were also dismissed from the court for the same reason.
Reports stated that investigations proved that issuing travel permissions for the foreign defendants was based on a decision by the technical committee of four chancellors, led by Chancellor Magdy Abdul Bary.
However, Chancellor Ahmed Mekki, the Minister of Justice denied such claims, mentioning that investigations of possible charges against Abdul Moez are still taking place.
Moreover, Abdul Moez himself denied the media speculations.
“What is being said is not true, and I have not been investigated”, said Abdul Moez in a phone call with T.V. Anchor Khaled Salah, on Akher El Nahar t.v. show.