Hanaa Aboul Ezz
By Hanaa Aboul Ezz
The police investigation council of Alexandria, led by General Nasser Al-Abd, director of the criminal investigation bureau, has arrested Abdullah Mohamed Youssed, AKA “Al-Mansh”, who was charged with destroying public property and attacking a police officer. It is alleged that Al-Mansh seized a police car and destroyed its contents. Today, he will be face investigation at the public prosecution office.
Abdullah had organised a march from Farouk cafe in Bahary district to the square of the Unknown Soldier in Al-Manshya, in protest against the killing of his 17 year old son, Mohamed, by a police officer during Ramadan. During the protest, Abdullah is said to have seized a police car, destroying some of its contents.
Abdullah’s wife Sayeda said Mohamed and two friends were riding a motorcycle to take money from some of his father’s clients when a police car at Al-Ibrahimiya checkpoint gave pursuit, asking them to stop. Mohamed tried to escape, as he did not have a driver’s license and the police officer fired at them, mortally wounding Mohamed and injuring his friends, one with a gunshot to his chest and the other in the leg.
“They imprisoned his father in an attempt to pressure him to abdicate the case and my son’s blood, but his right won’t go in vain as long as we are demanding it”, Sayeda said.
The residents of Al-Amrosy alley, where Mohamed lives, hanged his picture in a neighbourhood cafe, in a sign of sympathy with his father, asking everyone who sees it to recite a verse for his soul. Mohamed’s father also wrote “Hamo Al-Mansh the martyr” on the walls of his house in blood.
Chancellor Adel Omara, First General Lawyer in the East Alexandria prosecution office, ordered a quick investigation into the incident. He also ordered the forensic report into the shooting, to determine the nature of the injuries that killed Mohamed.