The Islamist Construction and Development Party will be running on the party list in upcoming parliamentary elections.
Parliamentarian Amer Abdel Rahim told Daily News Egypt his party’s candidates will not be running as independents. “Last elections we ran as independents because our party was not established until after the election,” said Rahim. “We are definitely not running as independents. We will run as a list and also our candidates will run for the individual seats.”
“The question of alliances is not on our table right now,” said the Islamist parliamentarian. “The Muslim Brotherhood, and Al-Nour Party are not being considered for the time being. We want to run under our own list because we know that our party is very popular in Upper Egypt.”
Rahim confirmed that they will run according to the upcoming election law that will either come into effect after the constitution is drafted, or will be enshrined in the constitution itself.
As a member of the dissolved parliament, Rahim is currently sidelined. However, he said, “we respect the law and we respect the judicial verdict that the constitutional court issued.” He said his party members would equally respect any verdict that calls for the reinstatement.
Regarding new parliamentary elections, Rahim seemed neither worried nor hurried. “Repeating the elections won’t harm anyone. However, we’re only afraid that the cost of these elections will harm the Egyptian economy. We need every piastre and don’t have the luxury of spending our money on elections.”