Courtesy of Fakeeha’s Facebook page.
Imagine a healthy fresh bouquet of locally-grown, handpicked, perfectly ripe fruit and you have envisioned a fruit bouquet from Fakeeha.
Fakeeha is a 100 per cent Egyptian initiative designed to bring a healthy alternative to whichever occasion you choose. They offer bouquets and boxes, of a sophisticated and eye-catching design, using only the freshest ingredients and exercising a degree of quality control that will put even the fussiest mother at ease.
“We custom make all our bouquets by hand and use the freshest ingredients possible. We do not store fruit, so if we have a bouquet that requires two apples, then we order two apples. This way, no fruit is left behind and we can guarantee freshness,” said Nadia Hasaballah, founder of Fakeeha.
Fakeeha makes beautiful handcrafted bouquets that are as delicious as they are aesthetically and visually appealing. Coming in a variety of colours and using mouthwatering ingredients such as milk chocolate, hazelnuts, coconuts, pistachios, and biscuit crumbles. The offerings can vary between the more healthy options such as the Mango Kiwi Delight or their more indulgent options such as their Apple Bites, which feature apples covered in delicious chocolate and coconut.
The inspiration for Fakeeha came in 2006 when Hassaballah was visiting her sister in Boston and saw the concept first-hand, “it was a great way for kids to be eating delicious healthy fruits in a fun, tempting way,” she said. Hassaballah then sought out the owner of a similar business in Lebanon and worked with her to train her staff and help her implement the idea in Egypt. They officially started in February and began delivering in June.
Fakeeha is the Arabic word for fruit and has a distinctly Egyptian sound, “I wanted the name to imply an Egyptian business because after all this is what we are about, and I am very happy with it,” said Hassaballah.
The company relies on fruit that is in season and their bouquets change depending on what is available. One of Fakeeha’s biggest successes has been mango, so keep up with the changing seasons and be sure to ask any of their friendly staff or even Hassaballah herself if she is available. Payment is made upon delivery, but you can ask for the bouquet to be delivered as a gift to another address and have the bill delivered to you at your address.
“We have more than one supplier, and with experience we know which deliver the best oranges or cantaloupes. We require orders to be placed 24 hours in advance because we want to guarantee the freshest fruits possible and the most efficient system,” said Hassaballah.
“One hundred per cent natural, 100 per cent delicious, 100 per cent Egyptian” is how Fakeeha defines itself and its fresh, handcrafted and beautifully designed bouquets and boxes are fit for any occasion, “we have done birthdays, wedding centrepieces, bachelorette parties, gatherings. Fakeeha can work with anything,” said Hassaballah. Fakeeha can easily be found on the internet and be sure to ask about this season’s offerings for a fun and guiltless way to enjoy any gathering.