“Political assassinations may target liberals, politicians and intellectuals,” said Gama’a Islamiyaa member, Nageh Ibrahim. The prominent member of the Salafi group went on to say, “this will be a natural result of the atonement, violence, mistrust, and severe political polarisation witnessed by Egyptian society, in a situation which is unprecedented in the reign of any other Egyptian president.”
In an interview with independent newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, Ibrahim said that these assassinations would be carried out by the regime and Islamists over the next month.
Ibrahim voiced his support for the decree issued by President Morsy last Thursday, saying that a reversal of the decree welcome greater evil into the country. “Morsy was forced into these decisions and he will never retreat,” added Ibrahim.
He also advised Morsy to make decisions outside the framework of the Muslim Brotherhood saying, “Islamic movements that lead the country, have to lead with the mentality of the nation, and involve others even if they differ with them in their plans.”
Ibrahim blamed the Egyptian judiciary’s interference in politics, including its ruling to dissolve parliament, for the worsening of the country’s political situation. He claimed the actions of the judicary forced Morsy’s hand to concentrate the three branches of government under his control.
“President Morsy had to announce that the constitutional declaration was temporary until parliament is elected,” he added. “But even though it is temporary, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Egypt is now divided between Islamists and non-Islamists.The division is a great danger because it emerged so forcefully, especially as it came with violence,” he said in reference to clashes between protesters who supported and opposed the president.
Ibrahim criticised the president for his Friday speech at the presidential palace, calling it a “mistake,” saying it was directed only at his supporters and Islamists. However he confirmed that Gama’a Islamiyaa would participate in demonstrations staged throughout the week in support of the president’s decisions.
Ibrahim also spoke about Egypt’s relationship with Israel, predicting that the two would go to war within the next seven years.