Year: 2012

Why the reduction in SCC justices?

Constitutional rule altering high court has been at the center of debates…

Liliana Mihaila

Train crash injures six

Train collides with microbus near the village of Shabshir

Liliana Mihaila

Lawsuit questions legitimacy of the referendum

Al-Fakharany claims almost 70 per cent of eligible voters were deprived from…

Liliana Mihaila

Al-Azhar responds to Borhami accusations

Al-Azhar representatives deny Borhami’s implications that they engaged in a deal to…

Liliana Mihaila

Ministry of Justice urges calm

Judges seek resolve to current impasse surrounding prosecutor general

Liliana Mihaila

Press Syndicate refers Al-Wali to second investigation

The board of the Press Syndicate refers the syndicate chairman to second…

Liliana Mihaila

The Children

Egyptian children might not be the geniuses that you claim they are,…

Mahmoud Salem

Clashes erupt in Minya, leaving a girl injured, after police officer is killed

Police and citizens squared off after the security forces damaged property and…

Liliana Mihaila

Egypt’s credit rating on the slide

S&P cuts Egypt’s credit rating to B-; fourth downgrade in 14 consecutive…

Liliana Mihaila

Morsy ends current legislative round after appointing 90 members

The Shura Council is made up of of 270 members, 180 of…

Liliana Mihaila