Year: 2012

Bite Me Cairo: The Raw and the Cooked

David Blanks shares his insights on raw and cooked meat

David Blanks

Bites Fil Beit: Bisara – Black bean paste

We love food. We love the real, down to earth, tried-and-tested, handed-down-through-the-generations,…

Fady Salah

Sexual abuse within the family

Sexual abuse in Egypt is a great taboo but it is the…

Fady Salah

Shape up or ship out

Dr. H.A. Hellyer: Shape up or ship out

Fady Salah

Who really profits from Islamists rise to power?

Foreigners always claim that support for Islamists in Egypt stems solely from…

Fady Salah

FDA lends €430mn to Egypt during 2012

French Development Agency seeks to support the sectors of employment and the…

Liliana Mihaila

Korean ‘Rotem’ wins bid for revitalising metro line

Korean company to provide air-conditioned trains for Cairo’s Marg-Helwan metro line

Liliana Mihaila

Sweet revenge sours

Philip Whitfield: Sweet revenge sours

Fady Salah

Women march on anniversary of violence

Women’s rights still a central theme in national debate, a year after…

Liliana Mihaila

Egyptian minorities oppose constitutional referendum

Egypt’s Nubians and Shi’a Muslims do not feel the constitution represents them

Liliana Mihaila