Year: 2012

Clashes continue in Tahrir Square

Ministry of interior denies accusations of firing birdshot

Liliana Mihaila

Saber verdict postponed

Judicial strike keeps Saber in prison for at least two more weeks

Liliana Mihaila

Anonymous threaten Morsy with cyber warfare

Calls for Morsy to listen to demands for freedom

Liliana Mihaila

Unprecedented judicial strike

All out strike in courts of all levels

Liliana Mihaila

Factories in Upper Egypt at risk of closure

Investors Associations blame government

Liliana Mihaila

95 octane sales plummet after subsidy lifted

Many consumers are avoiding purchasing the higher performance fuel altogether

Liliana Mihaila

Ikhwanweb tweets on Tahrir

Tweets described as desperate and ridiculous

Liliana Mihaila

Morsy urged to amend decree

Political party and presidential advisers contribute suggestions to resolve crisis

Liliana Mihaila

Constitutional Court blasts Morsy decree and accusations

The court is ready to perform its duties despite “threats”

Liliana Mihaila