The possibility of a sit-in by Al-Dostour Party members at their own headquarters arose following the death of the party secretary in 6th of October city on Tuesday night.
Sha’arawy Abdel Baqy Sha’arawy died of heart attack during a meeting with leading figures at the party. The meeting was held to discuss disagreements among party members and to select representatives of the party offices across Egypt. The meeting also tackled demands of party youth to dismiss both Sameh Makram Ebeid, head of the steering committee, and Emad Abou Ghazi, secretary general of the party.
Fierce arguments between Sha’arawy and Ebeid were a hallmark of the meeting, with Sha’arawy demanding the election of party representatives rather than appointments. As disagreements intensified, Sha’arawy was enraged before he fainted and was transferred to Police Hospital in the Agouza district of Giza.
Sha’arawy died of heart attack before reaching the hospital.
Following the incident, several members of the party said they are willing to hold a sit-in at the party headquarters on Thursday, demanding the dismissal of Ebeid and Abou Ghazi.
Media coordinator of Al-Dostour Party, Hany Korshid, said of the youths’ demands: “They haven’t reached their final decision yet.”
Mohamed Mahmoud, member of Al-Dostour Party in 6th of October district, said negotiations are still going among the party members.
Members of Al-Dostour Party previously held a sit-in at the party headquarters on 6 January, calling for the same demands. The protest came to end on 14 January after chairperson of the party, Mohamed ElBaradei, agreed to meet members and discuss their demands.
ElBaradei has yet to meet with aggrieved members, Korshid said that he will meet them within a few days.
Sha’arawy’s funeral procession left Al-Hosary mosque in 6th of October on Wednesday at noon. Sha’arawy, who was a founding member of Al-Dostour party, participated in the 6 January sit-in.